Usage: async storage.updateAddress(addressObj, walletId)
Description: Used to update a specific address of a wallet identified by it's walletId.


parameters type required Description
addressObj AddressObject yes The AddressObject to update (uses address.path as primary key)
walletId String yes The Wallet identifier of the wallet containing the address to update

Returns : Boolean.


    path: "m/44'/1'/0'/0/0",
    index: '0',
    address: 'yLhsYLXW5sFHLDPLj2EHgrmQRhP712ANda',
    transactions: [],
    balanceSat: 0,
    unconfirmedBalanceSat: 0,
    utxos: {},
    fetchedLast: 0,
    used: true,
  }, "a3771aaf93");