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Writing a new plugin

There is no control nor monitoring over third-party plugin. So anyone can write it's own plugin.

In order for a plugin to have the ability to access wallet data, you have to add a dependency in the constructor.

Below, we create a Standard Plugin, see Using a plugin for more information about the different plugin types.

const { StandardPlugin } = require('@dashevo/wallet-lib').plugins;

class MyWalletConsolidatorPlugin extends StandardPlugin { 
     constructor() {
          // When true, the wallet instance will only fire "ready" when a first execution of the plugin has happen.
          firstExecutionRequired: false,
          // Describe if we want to automatically execute it on starting up an account.
          executeOnStart: false,
          // Methods and function that we would want to use
          dependencies: [

    consolidateWallet(address = this.getUnusedAddress().address, utxos = this.getUTXOS()) {
       return {
         prepareTransaction: () => {
           if (!utxos || utxos.length === 0) {
             throw new Error('There is nothing to consolidate');
           const opts = {
             recipient: address,

           const rawtx = this.createTransactionFromUTXOS(opts);
           return {
             toString: () => rawtx,
             broadcast: async () => {
               console.log(`BROADCASTING ${rawtx}`);
               return self.broadcastTransaction(rawtx);

Using my created plugin

When you plugin is created, including it in your Wallet is as easy as referencing up the class in the plugins array.

const wallet = new Wallet({

When some parameters are required first for your plugin to work, you might also decide to initialize first your plugin like this :

const wallet = new Wallet({
    plugins:[new MyWalletConsolidatorPlugin({someOptions:true})]

Accessing secure dependencies

Due to the risk from running a plugin that have access to your keychain, these are, by default, not accessible.
One would need to initialize a Wallet with the option allowSensitiveOperations set to true.

You can see the list of thoses sensitive functions and properties, anything under UNSAFE_* will require this option to be set to true in order to be use from within a plugin.

Injection order

While system plugins will by default be first injected in the system, in the case of a need for specific injection order.
Plugin can be sorted in such a way that in got injected before or after another set of plugins.
For this, use injectionOrder properties before and/or after.

In below example, this worker will be dependent on the methods getUTXOS to be internally available, and will be expected to be injected before TransactionSyncStreamWorker and after ChainPlugin.

 class WithInjectBeforeDependenciesWorker extends Worker {
  constructor() {
      name: 'withInjectBeforeDependenciesWorker',
      dependencies: [
      injectionOrder: {
        after: [
        before: [

## Accessing events 

From a plugin, you have the ability to listen to account's emitted events. 

const { EVENT, plugins: { Worker } } = require('@dashevo/wallet-lib');
class NewBlockWorker extends Worker {
  constructor(options) {
      name: 'NewBlockWorker',
      executeOnStart: true,
      firstExecutionRequired: true,
      workerIntervalTime: 60 * 1000,
      gapLimit: 10,
      dependencies: [

  async onStart() {
    this.parentEvents.on(EVENT.BLOCKHEIGHT_CHANGED, ({payload: blockHeight}) => {
      // on new blockheight do something.