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Wallet workers

In order to perform it's duty of being in-sync with the network and to always keep a pre-generated set of unused addresses, wallet-lib uses internally two workers : - Sync Worker : Used to keep in sync with the network (utxo, received transactions,...) - Chain Worker : Used to keep track of the current chain (best block height,...) - BIP44 Worker : Used to always have a set of 20 unused addresses as per BIP44.

Theses default workers can be deactivated by adding the options injectDefaultPlugins to false while initializing your Wallet instance.

Start a worker


Stop a worker


Sync Worker


  • WORKER/SYNC/STARTED - Triggered when the worker is started.
  • WORKER/SYNC/EXECUTED - Triggered each time the worker get executed.

BIP 44 Worker

Create a BIP44 worker

const {events, storage, getAddress} = account;
const opts = {
const worker = new BIP44Worker(opts);


  • WORKER/BIP44/STARTED - Triggered when the worker is started.
  • WORKER/BIP44/EXECUTED - Triggered each time the worker get executed.