Usage: keychain.getDIP15ExtendedKey(userUniqueId, contactUniqueId, index, accountIndex = 0, type = 'HDPrivateKey')
Description: Return a DIP15 Extended Key of a 2-contacts relationship
parameters | type | required | Description |
userUniqueId | string | yes | Current DashPay unique UserID |
contactUniqueId | string | yes | Contact DashPay unique UserID |
index | number | no(=0) | the key index to derivate to |
accountIndex | number | no(=0) | the wallet account index from which to derivate |
type | string | no (default:HDPrivateKey) | type of returned keys. one of: ['HDPrivateKey','HDPublicKey']. |
Returns : {HDPrivateKey|HDPublicKey} (of path: m/9'/5'/15'/accountIndex'/userId'/contactID'/index
on mainnet or m/9'/1'/15'/...
on testnet)
// m/9'/5'/15'/0'/0x555d3854c910b7dee436869c4724bed2fe0784e198b8a39f02bbb49d8ebcfc3a'/0xa137439f36d04a15474ff7423e4b904a14373fafb37a41db74c84f1dbb5c89b5'/0
const userUniqueId = '0x555d3854c910b7dee436869c4724bed2fe0784e198b8a39f02bbb49d8ebcfc3a';
const contactUniqueId = '0xa137439f36d04a15474ff7423e4b904a14373fafb37a41db74c84f1dbb5c89b5';
const DIP15ExtPrivKey_0 = keychain2.getDIP15ExtendedKey(userUniqueId, contactUniqueId, 0, 0, 'HDPrivateKey');
const { privateKey } = DIP15ExtPrivKey_0; //fac40790776d171ee1db90899b5eb2df2f7d2aaf35ad56f07ffb8ed2c57f8e60